With our production “jubilee“ from 1997 we show our 10th video in the 10th week since beginning of the theatrical restrictions in 2020. From the next week we complement our financing model for this action, but also for our activities in general, with the possibility to become a supporting patron for the THEATER DER KLÄNGE!
Jubilaeum (“Jubilee”) – a piece about the art of celebrating
An international ensemble with actors fromGermany, Greece, Great Britain, Holland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Sweden and Spain dedicated itself to the theme “Jubilee” on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of this ensemble.
Thus was created a theatrical collage with the title “Jubilaeum”: 100 small sketches about the rituals of joy and grief, about man-invented and artistic ways of rejoicing…
– 10 x 10 ways;
– to hold a celebration speech
– to dance at a party
– to eat and drink
– to have a procession
– to act out the ceremony of the day
– to dress up
– to be honoured ceremonially
– to give oneself a gift
A 100 minute production which brings together music, speech, acting and dance with comedic, but also serious scenes and dances, into a feast for the stage. This “feast for the stage” took place mainly at the Pantheon, Duesseldorf (altogether 27 performances) in the course of the memorial inauguration of a festival hall from the 19th century.
JUBILAEUM was performed a total of 33 times in Duesseldorf, Paris, Essen and Weimar. It is a piece which the Theater der Klaenge offered to itself on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, in order to celebrate its existence with its friends, former collaborators and its public. Smaller short versions with the core ensemble followed in 1998/99. There is hope to be able to keep this piece as part of the repertoire in the form of a reduced version