Theatre on Demand – Week No. 16

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 16

“HEAReographics – a dance concert” was the title of our creation for the year 2005. Questioning the classical dance dependence on music was the starting point of the “Heareography”project. A cycle of single pieces (Soli, Pas de Deux, Trios,...
Theatre on Demand – Week No. 15

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 15

“Gregorius on the stone – a legend about incest, love, atonement and choosing” was called our creation in a renewed cooperation with the music ensemble ESTAMPIE in the year 2004. Based on Harmann von Aue’s middle-age story...
Theatre on Demand – Week No. 14

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 14

“Modul|a|t|o|r – Le Corbusier” was the title for our creation in the year 2002.The “Modulor” is a measuring tool which is based on the fusion of the human form with mathematics. The human figure with a raised arm creates, at the main...
Theatre on Demand – Week No. 12

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 12

The Rite of Spring “The rite of spring – The dynamism of violence” was the title of our production in 1999, wich marked a new direction for the THEATER DER KLAENGE. Igor Stravinsky composed “The Rite of Spring” between 1911 and 1913 for...
Theatre on Demand – Week No. 11

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 11

“The Neuberin – The passion of a German theatre director” was our first big theatrical book development which took up the years from 1997 to 1999. Friederike Caroline Neuber, called the “Neuberin”, was an unusual woman. She attempted...
Theatre on Demand – Week No. 10

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 10

With our production “jubilee” from 1997 we show our 10th video in the 10th week since beginning of the theatrical restrictions in 2020. From the next week we complement our financing model for this action, but also for our activities in general, with the...