27. Aug, 2020 | Allgemein
Since Monday, August 24, our office has been manned again and our new employee Julia Roth can be reached there Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Tuesday, September 1, 2020, a rehearsal phase for a new creation will finally start again, which is to be...
30. Jul, 2020 | Allgemein
The THEATER DER KLANGE has – in spite of the Corona crisis – gone on working the whole spring. Alternatively to the canceled performances in spring and summer we started the videostreaming format “Theatre on demand” the 19th of March, 2020 with...
23. Jul, 2020 | Allgemein
“Johnny’s Jihad – an american Taliban” is based on a true story. At the end of 2001, twenty-year-old John Walker Lindh, an American from San Francisco, was arrested by his fellow countrymen in Afghanistan for fighting on the side of the Taliban. Why...
16. Jul, 2020 | Allgemein
I is another (Arthur Rimbaud) Modern literature was quick to recognize the difficulty – the impossibility even – of constructing a narrative with the “I” or the “ego” as its unifying element, whether this was the author’s own...