Theatre on Demand – Week No. 15

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 15

“Gregorius on the stone – a legend about incest, love, atonement and choosing” was called our creation in a renewed cooperation with the music ensemble ESTAMPIE in the year 2004. Based on Harmann von Aue’s middle-age story...
Theatre on Demand – Week No. 14

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 14

“Modul|a|t|o|r – Le Corbusier” was the title for our creation in the year 2002.The “Modulor” is a measuring tool which is based on the fusion of the human form with mathematics. The human figure with a raised arm creates, at the main...
Theatre on Demand – Week No. 12

Theatre on Demand – Week No. 12

The Rite of Spring “The rite of spring – The dynamism of violence” was the title of our production in 1999, wich marked a new direction for the THEATER DER KLAENGE. Igor Stravinsky composed “The Rite of Spring” between 1911 and 1913 for...