The THEATER DER KLANGE has – in spite of the Corona crisis – gone on working the whole spring. Alternatively to the canceled performances in spring and summer we started the videostreaming format “Theatre on demand“ the 19th of March, 2020 with the complete videorecording of our first production “The mechanical ballet“. Till last sunday we have offered every week always from Thursday till Sunday chronologically in each case a complete recording of our pieces since 1987 online as video streaming and in addition to that we started a Fundraisingcampaign which has brought a good of 50% of the required failure sum to us.
“Besides” we have maintained the company of our Artistic Office in emergency occupation and to a good part in home office and have hired since the middle of June a new employee who will full work for us from the 24th of August, 2020 on in our office.
The in March – because of Corona – uncompleted pretests to our new project were resumed in June by support of the program “#takecare“ in single test form and with online co-operation of our videodesigner for three experimental weeks.
Even if all this sounds like “half power” and is not at all comparable with our exceedingly tumultuous year 2019, a company holidays break should be granted for us. Nevertheless this also concerns our video streaming.
Together with the start of our work for the coming season from the end of August on we will also take up again our video streaming. We have still nine our HD-Videos from the last 10 years:
“SUITE intermediale“,
“The art of the dance fuge“,
“Bauhaus ballets“,
“The silver prince“
and “The Lacquer Ballet“.
We hope to have you again as Onlineguests for the 9 weeks from September on until the beginning of November, 2020. Until than enjoy the summer free of screens!