Our online gallery exhibition on “Lacquer Ballet“ has now been running since February with a good response. The first pictures have been ordered. However, this form of help for us and the artists involved could be even better.
To this end, we have supplemented the exhibition of our digital lacquer pictures and our performance photos with lacquer pictures and figurine designs from the 1940s, as well as original black-and-white photos from 1941. Visitors to our exhibition can thus now see a selection of the originals that inspired us both to recreate our figurines and precisely for the aesthetic direction of our digital lacquer pictures. These additional images, in context with our 2019 images, now allow for a direct comparison between the originals and our re-creation.
This exhibition will be available online until 10 May 2021 and will be the only opportunity to see anything of ours currently until an unfortunately indefinite time.
The premiere of our latest creation “Man and Art Figure in a Globe Theatre“, scheduled for January, then March and finally May, has again been postponed due to Corona. We now hope that this piece, which we conceived for the Planetarium Bochum, can be premiered in Bochum before the summer break…
Please help us get through this period of no performances and thus largely no income for us by purchasing something from us that contributes to the art in your rooms and supports us in our further work!