Our online action “Theatre on Demand” comes to its preliminary end this week. Started for the Corona lockdown directly in the third week of March, we will conclude this online supply of theatre performances with our latest production “Das Lackballett“.
The theatres are open again, and we still have the hope to welcome you live to our new premiere in the theatre in January. Still… or already no more? We would have also liked to invite you to a live performance of our “Lackballet” on 22 November in Steinfurt. But due to the current second wave of the pandemic, this performance was cancelled by the city of Steinfurt last week.
So now – until further notice – only as a video recording online from Thursday, 29.10. from 7 pm to Sunday, 1. 11.2020 to 10 pm:
“The Lacquer Ballet – One last colour-sound rush by Oskar Schlemmer” is the full title of our production from 2018, which premiered in Dusseldorf in January 2019 and subsequently had several very successful guest performances in Germany and abroad in 2019.
The former Bauhaus master Oskar Schlemmer designed a lacquer ballet as his last stage work in the early 1940s, which was not performed in public – as he was considered a so-called “degenerate artist” at the time. It was performed once on 6 December 1941 in Wuppertal during a festival of Herbert’s Wuppertal Inking Factory – which employed him at that time as an artistic assistant and instructor for lacquer experiments – and has not been taken up again until today.
The Dusseldorf THEATER DER KLAENGE took the planned activities for 100 years of Bauhaus as an opportunity to deal with this “Rhine-Bergian” work by Oskar Schlemmer and to continue the idea in a contemporary form and to perform it again 77 years later. Firstly, the figurines designed and realised by Oskar Schlemmer were reinterpreted. The reinterpretation was mainly about an interpretation of material and colour, as the subject of lacquer today allows different answers than in the 1940s.
On the other hand, both the sculptural movement possibilities and the resulting choreographies in the form of figurine dances and a final “round dance” were newly developed for a full evening programme.
The “Lackballett” is embedded in an interactive live video scenography and interactive live electronic music, as the THEATER DER KLAENGE has developed and tested since 2005 for several intermedia dance productions. In this way, the bridge from classical to digital modernity is built!
The result is a contemporary performance of colour and form, a “colour-sound intoxication” which, in combination with lacquer figurines, turns the theme of lacquer pictures into light paintings that are constantly reshaping, overpainting and appearing in a constantly different way through physical performance and music. In the spirit of Oskar Schlemmer, this is a contemporary art action as well as a dance concert!
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