22. Oct, 2021 | Allgemein
In 1987 directly after its founding, the THEATER DER KLÄNGE first dealt with the “mechanical ballet” of the Bauhaus students Schmidt, Teltscher and Bogler. Of the three Weimar Bauhäusler only two black-and-white photos and a coloured reverse glass painting...
14. Sep, 2021 | Allgemein
1927: The theatre-director Erwin Piscator asks the architect and director of the Bauhaus, already known at the time as an icon of modernism, if he could design a new type of total theatre for him to be build in Berlin. The Bauhaus sets up an ideas-workshop from which,...
18. Aug, 2021 | Allgemein
World premiere series from September 2 to 5, 2021 at the Planetarium Bochum, planned for 2019, developed in the lockdown-free times of 2020. Premiere planned for January 2021, then March, then May 2021… If everything turns out as expected, our new inter-medial...
26. Mar, 2020 | Allgemein
Last weekend we launched an initiative which is an attempt to offer culture even in times when it is a danger to one’s own life and the lives of others to visit a theatre, concert hall or a museum. This initiative is our “theatre on demand”. Every...